Feb 22, 2012

To Decay or Not to Decay

Hello my fellow followers, or follower, how are you this fine day?

So We've been thinking, I know so much progress in so little time, that I should start on a diet. NO, it's not to lose wight, although I do kinda need to lose a pound or two, no, its more so that I can be more healthy. Why the sudden change in mind, you ask? Well it might be the fact that I'm not getting enough nutrition, well my mom thinks so. Or maybe it was when I was reading a Health book; it was saying how if you don't get enough calcium that your body takes it from you bones and puts it in your blood, if you ask me i think that the blood is a little greedy. So the thought of my bones decaying WHILE I'm still living, wasn't a pleasant thought.

Also, but a little embarrassing, it affects your future children. Even if you decide your going to fix it right when you get prego (pregnant) it will still affect them. At lest that's what my mom says, go look it up on google. BUT I'm not changing for that! I'm changing so my bones don't decay! OK?

Bye, bye

We'll miss you!

Shaylee, me, and I


  1. Shaylee me and I, hello! It is your dear, bosom friend, Shanny. I just wanted to say that you are beautiful and so is your blog. You're so funny!

    Anyway, you should really post again soon! ;)

    Oh, and I figured out how to get music to play on your blog whenever anyone visits it. It's way cool! So if you want to know how, just ask!


    Shanny <3!

    1. Thanks for your support. I really apricate it.

      I might have to have you show me how.


      Shaylee Me and I

  2. Shaylee! I agree with Shanny; You are beautiful and fun! I shall follow your blog and stalk you forever now!!!

    P.S. Come check out ours at: www.jonesboysranches.blogspot.com

    And, I also have a blog for our YW!!!

    1. Wow, my first stalker. I don't know what I should think of that. Just kidding.

      Thanks for checking my blog out. I'm still unsure about it but I shall still try to post anyway.

      I'll go to it right now.

      Thanks again!

      Shaylee Me and I
