Feb 22, 2012

To Decay or Not to Decay

Hello my fellow followers, or follower, how are you this fine day?

So We've been thinking, I know so much progress in so little time, that I should start on a diet. NO, it's not to lose wight, although I do kinda need to lose a pound or two, no, its more so that I can be more healthy. Why the sudden change in mind, you ask? Well it might be the fact that I'm not getting enough nutrition, well my mom thinks so. Or maybe it was when I was reading a Health book; it was saying how if you don't get enough calcium that your body takes it from you bones and puts it in your blood, if you ask me i think that the blood is a little greedy. So the thought of my bones decaying WHILE I'm still living, wasn't a pleasant thought.

Also, but a little embarrassing, it affects your future children. Even if you decide your going to fix it right when you get prego (pregnant) it will still affect them. At lest that's what my mom says, go look it up on google. BUT I'm not changing for that! I'm changing so my bones don't decay! OK?

Bye, bye

We'll miss you!

Shaylee, me, and I

Feb 6, 2012

Little Cousin

 Yo my peeps! What sup? ha ha! So today I was helping my aunt by babysitting her little boy while she  went to town. He is about 4 years old, he has blondish hair. And he is a total cowboy. One time he came over, and he had on some spurs, a cowboy hat, and a rope. It was the cutest thing.

 So you know how little girls play house and stuff? Well me and my cousin played rancher. It was pretty fun. He went and herded cows on this exercise machine, and brought bask "monsters," as he called them, so we would have food to eat. It was fun to play with him!

First Blog

 Yo, so this is my first blog, as you can most likely tell. If you see something that you think I should change, feel free to tell me. Mostly the reason I'm on here is because my  cousin said that it would me cool. And I thought "Hey, why not? It could be fun!" So that is kinda how I got my first blog.

 So, it is like one o'clock. So time to go to bed.

Loves ya'll!

Till next time!